ATHIA Culture and Technology

ATHIA was founded in 2021 in Taiwan.

We provide tableware, glassware, living ceramics, and coffee accessories. We present ESG concept products and enable people‘s post pandemic living to an open new world

Culture , Technology , Digital marketing , and e-commerce.

Athena Culture and Technology Corporation, the name itself strongly interprets our company which is a cross between ancient and modern, a blend of classical and modern meanings. Starting from helping the transformation of traditional production, the company developed a digital marketing and e-commerce international trade business across borders.

athia,Taiwanese brand coffee products, including coffee cloth filters and coffee drippers.
athia logo
our Brand

Designs and sells MIT fine products with ESG concept.

Our company creates its own ATHIA brand, designs and sells MIT fine products with ESG concept. ATHIA has been registered in North America ,Taiwan, and Japan.